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West Central Region Education Resources

Here you will find the education resources for the West Central STEM Region.

Region 9 ISDs

Register for Professional Learning through your ESD/ISD

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FIRST® Robotics Practice Field Sign-Up (Big Rapids Field)

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FIRST® Robotics Practice Field Sign-Up (Ludington Field)

This project is funded by The Drs. Ruth & John Carney Education Fund and The House of Flavors, Inc. Fund of the Community Foundation for Mason County

Holly Nature Sanctuary

Holly Nature Sanctuary Place-Based Education

The Franklin F. and Brenda L. Holly Nature Sanctuary is an 80 acre wooded and wetland nature sanctuary. The Sanctuary, through collaborative efforts of the Michigan Nature Association, Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, and Mason County teachers, Sten Vaara, Brianna Wise, and Mark Willis, has become home to place-based education for students throughout the surrounding region. For more information, use the links below.

Holly Nature Sanctuary Lessons


3P Learning Academy

June 17-19, 2024
Communications by Design
$450 stipend

Dive into the world of 3P Learning. In the 3PL Academy, you will learn:

  • How to match  content standards to project, problem, or place-based learning

  • Eight essential components of 3PL

  • Six steps to plan a standards-based 3PL unit

  • Six steps to implement at 3PL unit

  • 15+ 3PL protocols and strategies to use in the classroom

And build a complete unit of instruction with collaborative feedback!

STEM Kit Reservations

STEM Kits for Loan

Request a STEM Kit for classroom instruction, family STEM nights, or after school extension activities.

To preview the STEM Kits that are available for loan:

To request a STEM Kit or Kits:

To view the reservation calendar:

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MiSTEM Network Collaborative Landing Pages

MiSTEM Network's three action areas, computer science, math, science & engineering landing pages are updated often with information on strategic planning, outcomes, relevant professional development, and contact information.

Math Recovery

Math Recovery Professional Learning

Math Recovery provides dynamic professional development which impacts the way professional educators think about student numeracy learning.

Educators learn to design, implement, and analyze mathematics instruction based on individual student learning.

Computer Science for Michigan

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Grand Valley State University is Michigan’s Regional Partner.  With the support of the MiSTEM Network, we provide workshops that are available to Michigan educators.


Michigan Green Schools

Michigan Green Schools is a non-profit 501(c)3 agency dedicated to assisting all Michigan schools - public and private - achieve environmental goals which include protecting the air, land, water, and animals of our state along with world outreach through good ecological practices and the teaching of educational stewardship of students pre-kindergarten through senior high school.



As schools take steps back towards in-person learning, and high quality science experiences, we are reminded that we are still learning. Please take the best practices with technology integration to enhance your teaching and student learning. These resources are still valid and helpful in this transition, and whatever the school year may bring.

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